The Holistic Pitstop
The Holistic Pitstop
Transform your life....
DATES for Courses and Workshops
DATES for Courses and Workshops
What will you be doing with your 2022?
I do have some online courses.
See on the Training Workshop and Online link
I have several workshops ready to roll. No dates fixed yet as I will be seeing what suits those interested.
Subjects include:
All Degrees of Usui Reiki
All levels of Karuna Reiki
Holy Fire Karuna Reiki
Bach Flower Remedies
Dowsing with both rods and a Pendulum
Self Development and Living Techniques
Reflexology, Massage, Aromatherapy
Using Mantras for allsorts of situations
Meditation and Life Tools
Le Normand and other card decks - for brainstorming!
I am also hoping to set up a Crochet class, which will likely become a social group.
And maybe even some Circle Dancing if I can find a suitable venue.
Please do get in touch, if you are interested.
Gather a group together and get a discount.

We can set up for mornings, afternoons, evenings, weekends.
What would suit you?