The Holistic Pitstop
The Holistic Pitstop
Transform your life....
A bit about The Holistic Pit-stop and
a bit about Me!
My name is Jennie Austin, and one day I had an "Ah Ha" moment, and it came to me that NOW, more than ever, how important it is to share information with other people. To offer them options to help them improve and support their health, well-being and happiness. Technology has given us the wonder of the web and so a website seemed a perfect medium to do this.
The information will include courses and workshops, helpful hints, links to other peoples websites and more.
Many of us live a "Groundhog Day" type of life, repetitive and not too fulfilling, and need a bit of a shove! Perhaps this will be one for you? Doing something different doesn't have to be hard work, in-fact it can be very enjoyable and lots of fun, but humans do resist change even when it is in their best interest!
Back in the 80s, after using the odd homeopathic remedy and The Rescue Remedy from The Bach Flower System I had occasion to experience the wider wonders of Complementary Therapies when I had a major event in my life which challenged my health and well-being. I am a skeptic - and I like to prove things for myself. I was so impressed with the results of my experience that I decided this was the way I wanted to go career-wise.
I started by signing up for a year's course in Shiatsu, learning about the meridians, the energy system of the body, and about macrobiotic cooking. Wow was this a whole new world? Very different from my day job working with computers in industry! and my evening job working in my own dog/cat grooming business which had been a hobby that I loved, that had grown into a busy business. This satisfied my love for animals and the desire to help them, but now I also had the opportunity to help my fellow humans too.
I went on to study and qualify in Aromatherapy, Massage, Reflexology, The Bach Flower Remedies and Reiki and build up my own holistic practice. It was and is magical. How these beautiful therapies have worked so well for me and now for the people who came to me is inspiring.
I realized that just working with the physical was in some cases not enough, that in many instances there was a need to take into consideration the mind, the body and the spirit of a person. Many of my patients wanted to have knowledge of what I was doing, the why's and how's, so that they could understand and could make choices, rather than just being "done to". Of course some just wanted to be "done to" and this worked well too. There was more to it all than just the therapies. I explored and used life tools that my patients could include into their life-styles that helped them get more quality in their lives.
I have always enjoyed acquiring and then sharing knowledge so I trained and qualified as a teacher and started to teach my own workshops and courses. This gave me the platform for spreading the word.
I moved from Gloucestershire to Skye and then to Inverness where I taught Aromatherapy and Reflexology at the College for 6 years, while still running my practice and presenting my own workshops and doing dog grooming as well!! and now I've moved back to Somerset where I spent some of my childhood and went to school.
Not everyone wants to train as a therapist, but basic knowledge and skills can be very useful. With this in mind I will be setting up some workshops and online courses to make basic skills and knowledge accessible to more people.
These workshops and courses are standalone subjects that also work well when combinations are formed.
(Introductory workshops in Aromatherapy, Massage, Reflexology, Bach Flower Remedies, Dowsing, Meditation, Mantras, Journaling, Crochet are available. All Degrees of Usui Reiki and Levels of Karuna Reiki too. Groups welcome. Contact me for current details.)
Along with these learning capsules I can offer coaching and mentoring. This is aimed at helping a person to explore and recognize what they want from life and to work out how they can achieve it. Setting goals and planning is often easier to do with another person to bounce off and offer constructive support, along with some tools to help recognize reality and past programming that maybe acting as a hindrance rather than a benefit.
Soon, in the following pages you will find descriptions of the therapies and techniques I use and a curriculum, fees and options for the therapies, workshops and courses. If you are interested and would like to know before it gets published on the website, please do ring me.
I am also extending my boundaries to be working with animals, and helping owners to work with theirs.
I hope you will find inspiration here at The Holistic Pitstop and I look forward to sharing with you.
Thank you for reading this far. Happy browsing!
Jennie Austin,
Coach/Mentor, Complementary Therapist, Teacher,
Reiki Master/Teacher, Author

This site is still growing - please call back.