The Holistic Pitstop
The Holistic Pitstop
Transform your life....
Training and Workshops
Training and Workshops

No courses at the moment.
At the moment I have not dates set. But if you are interested in any of the other subjects please contact me to see what can be arranged.
I try to be as flexible as possible with the times, i.e. evenings, weekends, weekdays, now that so many work outside of the 9-5, Mon-Fri working hours format.
If you can get a group together of 3 or more, then You will get a discount on your fee.
This is the use essential oils which are both aromatic and therapeutic. There are several modes of usage that include massage, inhalation, application and inclusion in baths.
This therapy is built on the theory that the body is mirrored in the feet and hands. Using specialised massage and pressure techniques to either the feet or hands can bring a balance into the physical, mental and emotional bodies. It can help with relaxation, pain relief and many other symptoms.
The workshop covers both foot and hand reflexology.
This would be carried out over 3 days, separated to allow practice. Students will both give and receive Reflexology.
Bach Flower Remedies - discovered by Dr. Edward Bach
These are 38 remedies to help with negative thoughts and situations. These include anger, fear, terror, low self esteem, overcare for others, loss of focus, procrastination, rigidness, bossiness, inflexibility, adaption to circumstances - and so the list goes on! The remedies are made from non poisonous plants, highly diluted, and diluted again for treatment taken in drops under the tongue, or sprayed into the mouth or in the case of the Rescue Remedy onto the point of stress.
The course for the Bach Flower Remedies would be held over 6 sessions (about 3 hours each) and enable the student to leave with a knowledge of each remedy and how to select the appropriate ones for a person.
What is Reiki? It is one of the most amazing skills you can have in your life. It is Universal Life Force, the energy that keeps us all alive. We are surrounded by it, and it can help us in just about every area of our lives to get the best we can. To learn to use Reiki a person is attuned - this is a bit like tuning a radio. From then on they are able to use Reiki both for themselves and others. I teach two kinds of Reiki. Usui and Karuna.
The original is Usui Reiki. It comes in 4 Degrees
1st, 2nd, ART (Advanced) and Master/Teacher Degrees. You can find out lots more in my book Practising Reiki.
Holy Fire Karuna Reiki: This Reiki was built on Usui Reiki. It was brought into being by William Rand an American Reiki Master. To train Holy Fire Karuna you must have been attuned to the Master Degree of Usui Reiki.
This is ideally done over a period of weeks, but can also form a weekend workshop.
There are many methods of meditation and we explore most of them. It takes time to develop them and dedication.
Self awareness and development
Building the intuition
Reading cardsThere are an amazing selection of decks of cards published at the present. Some are dedicated to angels others are called oracles, some are called tarot. Now do not panic. The poor ole Tarot has been given a terrible fear reputation from the films and media, but it is an amazing life tool which can help with such areas as inspiration and planning. Just about every situation, emotion and person in life is covered in the pictures within a deck. Even some corporate firms use them for brainstorming at meetings! Writers use them for forming plots for fiction. They can even help you to see another side to a situation that you could be blocked to finding with your emotions. They are after all only a set of cardboard cards with pictures on, and they can be lots of fun. I have used them with children to get them to use their imagination.
I already have an online course for those who would like to learn the tarot. It consists of 20 parts.
Learn to Crochet
Learn the basics of crochet, while crocheting all sorts of useful and exciting items. Then learn more and expand your horizons.
Formats include group and online courses.
Some courses are available 1 to 1
A session will be a morning, an afternoon or an evening. These may be put together to form whole days. Classes may be weekly over time, or put together to form for instance a weekend.
On line courses will be defined in parts, and in general will be worked through at the student's own pace.
If you would like to know more about a course before I have posted it here, and have a preferred session format, please contact me with your requirements, and I'll see what I can arrange.
Discounts will be available for those getting a group together.

Small groups, times to suit.
Some available over the internet and by mail.
Gather a group together and
get a discount on your place in a workshop.
This site is still growing - please call back.